9 mars 2025

Krusell France

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Les employés chinois de Microsoft doivent échanger leurs smartphones Android contre des iPhones

Microsoft's staff in China forced to exclusively use iPhone devices
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Microsoft employees in China required to switch to iPhones

Microsoft has recently implemented a new policy in China, requiring its employees to exclusively use iPhone devices instead of Android. This decision comes as a response to the ban on Google Play Services in the country.

Reasons behind the switch to iPhones

According to Bloomberg, starting from September, Microsoft employees affected by this decision will need to have the Microsoft Authenticator and Identity Pass apps on their phones for identity verification. This move aims to enhance security measures within the company, especially after facing constant attacks allegedly sponsored by the Russian government.

As a result, Microsoft is providing iPhone 15 units as a one-time purchase to its staff in China to ensure compliance with the new policy. Even employees based in Hong Kong, where Google Play Services are available, are required to make the switch to iPhones.

Contradictions with Chinese government’s stance on foreign devices

Interestingly, this decision goes against the Chinese government’s efforts to promote the use of devices manufactured by local brands at workplaces since 2023. Although both Microsoft and the Chinese government cite security concerns as the main driver behind their respective measures, Microsoft employees in China will now have to part ways with Android devices from brands like Xiaomi and Huawei.

Source : www.androidheadlines.com

  • julien castex redacteur tech

    Julien est un journaliste tech polyvalent avec une expérience couvrant divers aspects de la high tech, en passant par les smartphones et l'Intelligence Artificielle. Il écrit sur les dernières tendances technologiques, les startups et les projets innovants ainsi que les impacts de la technologie sur la société.

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