23 février 2025

Krusell France

Ta dose d'actu digital !

Neil Druckmann nie dit que Naughty Dog allait redéfinir les perceptions du jeu vidéo.

Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann claims he didn't say his next game "could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming"
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Naughty Dog’s Next Project Could Redefine Mainstream Perceptions of Gaming

Neil Druckmann, co-studio head at Naughty Dog, recently addressed claims that the studio’s upcoming project could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming. In response to questions about his dream projects, Druckmann expressed his excitement for the new venture without revealing any specific details.

Shifting Perspectives on Gaming

Druckmann highlighted the evolving appreciation for gaming across different age groups, emphasizing the potential for games to offer immersive experiences that appeal to a wider audience. He particularly pointed to the success of The Last of Us TV series as a bridge between gamers and non-gamers, shedding light on the depth and richness of gaming narratives.

“There’s kind of a spotlight on gaming now,” Druckmann explained, alluding to the growing interest in gaming beyond traditional boundaries. He expressed his anticipation for the reception of their latest project, hinting at a possible shift in mainstream perceptions of gaming following the success of The Last of Us.

The Future of Narrative in Gaming

Asad Qizilbash from PlayStation Studios expressed a belief in the evolution of gaming narratives towards more immersive and emotionally engaging experiences in the next decade. He highlighted the role of technology in enhancing storytelling and creating personalized player experiences, emphasizing the importance of emotional depth and meaningful interactions in games.

Qizilbash also discussed the impact of advancements in AI on storytelling, mentioning the potential for NPCs to interact with players on a more personalized level, contributing to a more engaging and meaningful gameplay experience.

For more insights into the future of gaming and storytelling, Sony’s vision for the next decade includes innovative concepts such as a futuristic PlayStation controller.

Source : www.eurogamer.net

  • portrait alex auteur

    Passionné de jeux vidéo depuis son enfance, Alex a commencé sa carrière en tant que testeur de jeux avant de se lancer dans le journalisme. Il couvre les dernières tendances du gaming, les critiques de jeux, les événements eSports et les innovations high tech.

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